31 jan 2013

4 mm

So yeah I got upgraded from 3 to 4 mm plugs. I intend them to stretch all the way to 12 mm. That size has lots of cool plugs and tunnels to choose from but is not too large.

Dreams or nightmares?

So I dream a lot, and most of the time it's good. Weird but good.
But sometimes it's like a nightmare and I had one today again. It wasn't that bad with monsters and stuff, I do have those too, but it involved my ex. For some reason she was screaming at me and later on she wanted to kill me with a knife. I was trying to hold her back and suddenly I was not fighting against her but some guy with a pistol. I tried my best to get the pistol away from him but I couldn't and so I threw him over the balcony where he smashed into the ground. Quite dead alright. And then everybody started yelling at me and I woke up.

So that's some of the stuff I dream up.

29 jan 2013

Dear first diary entry

Yeah, So today I start my diary. that's good I guess. I wonder how long I will hold on to do this. Usually I get bored with this after a week or two, sometimes even more quick. But well we see.
Anyhoe, got up today at around 10 after slamming the phone for an hour or so. I worked on a new sculpture piece for a bit.
Later on I went to my mom. Had to change clothes before because she's a heavy smoker. I don't have anything against smokers, heck I smoked myself, but my mom's a heavy heavy smoker. Sitting for two hours there will let you smell like you've been rolling in the ashes. Even my fineliner box picked up that smell. But enough ranting about smoke, I left after two hours or so and had a fine time.

What more today?

I ate pizza for dinner. I buy them from the supermarket because that's waaaaaaaay cheaper. I also got onion and salami toppings on it, I like that :). I think that sums up about the whole day, not much done, watching seinfeld at the moment. Newman is ranting about how he hate dogs.

So that's it for today, Bye